
The Missoula Makers Club Secret Lair (MMCSL) can be found at 450 Colorado by adventure-seeking souls. Just let us know (through Discord or email) when you plan on stopping by to make sure someone is around to answer the door! (Or can hear you! Did we mention we have a lot of loud machinery?)

Classes are currently scheduled at the convenience of the students. You want to learn on Thursday nights? No problem. Or maybe you have more free time on Tuesday mornings? Also not a problem. Just let us know what works for you!

You can email us at

We are also on Discord! Hit us up HERE, then write a short note introducing yourself and post any questions you might have.

There is usually someone at the shop (and on Discord) from 10am to 4pm MST on most weekdays and Saturdays. We are often there outside these days and hours as well, but these are the hours you will receive the quickest reply. Contact us for our extended hours.